How to stop plaster cracks around fires and wood burners
Plaster cracks around modern fires and wood burners can be a frustrating and unsightly problem for homeowners.
Fortunately, there is a solution! The Glasstex GS205 Fibreglass Wall Liner System not only permanently prevents these cracks from occurring, but also adds an extra layer of insulation to your walls.
Let’s explore the causes of plaster cracks around fires and wood burners, and the benefits of using Glasstex GS205 Fibreglass Wall Liner System to prevent them.
One of the primary causes of plaster cracks around fires and wood burners is the heat generated by these appliances. As the temperature fluctuates, the walls expand and contract, which can lead to cracks in the plaster. Additionally, if the walls are not properly insulated, the heat can cause the plaster to dry out and become brittle, further increasing the likelihood of cracks.
We have been selling our Glasstex GS 205 and Glasstex Adhesive system to successfully resolve this problem for many years for use around hole-in-the-wall fires, and wood burners. It’s a quick, clean and cost-effective remedy which can be undertaken by even a novice DIYer.
If caught early, superficial hairline cracks can be covered over with Glasstex GS 205 easily.
If the cracks have become larger than 5mm in thickness, or the plaster is loose, then please have the integrity of the plaster checked over before applying the Glasstex system.
How to Apply
1) Prepare the wall by filling any holes or cracks using a ready-mixed smooth filler.
2) Roll the Glasstex Essential Ready Mixed Adhesive onto the wall.
3) Cut the Glasstex GS205 in lengths. Measure the height of the wall, +10 cm.
4) Apply the Glasstex at the ceiling and press down.
5) The Glasstex has trimmed edges, which allows hanging edge to edge.
6) Press well onto the surface with a plastic spatula or smoothing brush.
7) Trim neatly at the ceiling and floor using a bladed knife and straight edge.
8) Paint the wall with your choice of paint once the Glasstex has dried (approx 24 hrs). Use a brush along ceiling line and floor. Apply main body of the paint with a roller.
Problem solved!