How do you solve cracks in plaster


Cracks in plaster walls and ceilings are a common problem in many homes. These cracks not only look unsightly but can also lead to further damage if left untreated. Fortunately, there is a solution that not only covers the cracks but also prevents further damage and is both easy and effective – Glasstex fibre glass wallpaper and liners.

Cracks in plaster walls and ceilings can occur for a variety of reasons including settling of the foundation, temperature changes, or hair line cracks in newly plastered walls due to the plaster drying out to quickly.

This type of wallpaper and liners are made from woven glass fibers, which makes it extremely durable and long-lasting. Additionally, Glasstex fibre glass wallpaper is easy to paint over, allowing you to achieve a seamless finish that looks great.

To cover cracks in plaster walls and ceilings with Glasstex fibre glass wallpaper, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clean the surface thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris that may be present. 

  2. Cut the fibre glass wallpaper to the desired size, leaving an extra two or three on each side.

  3. Apply a layer of ready mixed adhesive to the wall or ceiling using a paint roller or brush.

  4. Carefully place the fibre glass wallpaper onto the adhesive, smoothing out any bubbles or wrinkles as you go.

  5. Use a wallpaper knife to trim off any excess wallpaper, leaving a clean edge.

  6. Allow the wallpaper to dry completely before painting over it with your desired colour. 

In conclusion, Glasstex fibre glass wallpaper is an excellent solution for covering cracks in plaster walls or ceilings Its durability, resistance to moisture, and ease of painting make it an ideal choice for any room in your home and by following the simple steps outlined above, you can achieve a seamless finish that will not only cover up unsightly cracks but also prevent further damage.

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Luke Davies